Restore The Look of Your Smile With In-Office Stain Removal Techniques

benefits of teeth whitening

Most people dream about having a gorgeous smile. As one element of achieving this goal, they are undergoing expert teeth whitening. Professional teeth bleaching is an in-demand cosmetic dentistry technique because of its various advantages besides whiter smiles. Over-the-counter teeth whitening strips simply cannot equal the spectacular and longer-lasting results of professional teeth whitening.

Custom-Made Sessions And Outcomes

Typically, in elective dentistry, a one-size-fits-all approach will not work for everyone. Individuals' wants are often incredibly varied. Oral practitioners utilize their training and experience while examining teeth to determine the reasons behind any discoloration.

Also, the dentist will ask you about any past and future elective dentistry treatments or repairs you may pursue that could impact your beautiful outcome. For example, it may be well-advised to wait before receiving new dental crowns or ceramic veneers. This will enable the dentist to construct crowns and veneers that blend with the color of your recently brightened, gorgeous teeth. Tooth whitening can be relatively harder for individuals who already have dental restorations. Since whitening treatments cannot lift stains on dental restorations, it will probably be necessary for your dental practitioner to use numerous procedures to ensure that all of your teeth are a seamless shade.

At your first visit, the dentist will create a personalized treatment plan that is tailored for you. She or he should also let you know the likely number of bleaching treatments necessary to achieve the best results.

Professional-Grade Teeth Bleaching Materials

Store-bought teeth bleaching products usually have a nominal amount of active ingredients compared to whitening processes used in most in-office teeth whitening. In addition, difficult mouth trays and irritating strips might lead to inconsistent results and ordinarily only brighten teeth one shade per application. Before an expert teeth whitening session, patients can confirm the precise shade of whiteness they hope to obtain.

At MINT dentistry in Little York, our team performs brief laser teeth whitening treatments using a technique called ZOOM for Houston, TX locals. ZOOM features a unique gel containing hydrogen peroxide that is applied to every tooth one at a time. The specialized gel is stimulated by a diode laser that penetrates the tooth and enhances the discolored enamel. This system should brighten your teeth approximately 6 – 10 shades. Dental professionals suggest that men and women who undergo laser teeth whitening procedures set up dental cleanings two times annually. This cleaning can help prevent additional unsightly discoloration and ensure your teeth stay healthy.

Minimized Tooth Pain

Occasionally, people who try drugstore teeth whitening solutions may experience tooth discomfort after applying them. This might happen if the hydrogen peroxide penetrates the enamel of the teeth or when they use whitening solutions with ill-fitting strips and trays that inflame the soft oral tissue. The experienced dental professionals at MINT dentistry in Little York take careful steps to hamper such complications.

During each ZOOM laser whitening treatment at our Houston, TX office, the gums and lips are kept safe to ensure that any whitening agents contact only the teeth. Next, your dental professional will apply the lightening solution to every individual tooth. To cover the sensitive eyes from the light from the laser, patients use protective eyewear. Even though the technique is very comfortable for many people, an anesthetic may be administered to decrease any nervousness or to reduce the gag reflex.

Safer, Faster Procedures

While over-the-counter lightening formulas generally do not result in health concerns for many consumers, many attempts to lighten and brighten teeth without guidance from a dental professional could lead to increased tooth discomfort from sensitivity to extreme temperatures. Because it may take many weeks or perhaps months to see clear results with pharmacy tooth whitening solutions, such as gels, strips, and toothpaste, pain could be an issue. Certain brands might fail entirely to produce a glowing smile. Professional teeth whitening techniques are overseen by dentists to let individuals feel relaxed and ensure that the gum tissue and tooth enamel stay safe during the course of the bleaching.

Enduring Results

On top of the multiple other benefits of in-office teeth bleaching techniques, their effects are apparent much longer in comparison to drugstore tooth whitening strips. Directly after a whitening session and for about 24 hours, we advise patients to avoid consuming any dark-colored foods, such as tomato sauce, and beverages, such as dark wines. Further, whenever possible, use a reusable straw for drinks that could stain the teeth.

After their ZOOM teeth whitening session, our patients are given an at-home kit that includes the whitening agent and custom mouth pieces. These products can be put to use around every six months to help uphold the whiter appearance of your teeth. At MINT dentistry in Little York, our group advises forming appropriate oral hygiene habits by always brushing and flossing any time you eat and before bedtime.

Better Self-Assurance and Outlook

Professionally whitened teeth can generate much more than just a beautiful smile. Patients feel elevated self-confidence after their procedure, which enables them to grow increasingly more open and perform more comfortably in job environments and in important social functions. Bleached teeth will usually also take years off of your appearance, making you appear younger.

Trust Experienced Dentists to Increase the Appeal of Your Smile

The beautiful effects produced by professional teeth bleaching treatments like ZOOM and a few others are unsurpassed in their power to significantly transform a person's appearance and simultaneously elevate self-esteem. We urge you to contact MINT dentistry in Little York and set up a consultation with our skilled Houston, TX aesthetic dental practitioners, who would love to assist you in attaining a truly gorgeous smile.

    * All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.